Master of Science (M.Sc.) Advanced Process Design for Energy September 2011 - December 2012 Grade: Merit
Modules include: Energy System, Utility System, Computer Aided Process Design, Biorefinery Engineering, Sustainable Development and Industry, Distributed and Renewable Energy System German Language - A1 Level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
Dissertation: Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) for CO_2 Capture Research area includes the study of different types of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technique by using Aspen Plus software package.
Activities and Societies: The Burlington Society - Manchester's Postgraduate & Mature Student Society, The University of Manchester Ski and Snowboard Club, The University of Manchester Fencing Club, ReachOut! The Mentoring Charity
Inside Classroom
Outside Classroom
University of Leeds
Barchelor of Engineering (BEng Hons) Mechanical Engineering September 2008 - May 2011 Grade: Class II Division I (2.1)
Modules include: Engineering Drawing, Engineering Materials - Structure & Properties, Control Systems Engineering, Basic Measurement & Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Engineering Mathematics, Solid Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Design and Manufacture, Communication & Study Skills, Combustion & Heat And Mass Transfer, Dynamic System & Vibration, Engineering Design Project, Thermofluids, Biomedical Engineering, Finite Element Methods of Analysis, Japanese Language
Dissertation: Fluid Mechanics of Tornado Research area includes the study on vorticity, circulation and stability of tornado-like vortex through optical engineering technique.
Activities and Societies: West Yorkshire Institution of Mechanical Engineering (IMech), Inti Concert Band